Eco Green

Specialized in recycling and recasting

  • Slide Ecogreen 1 - 4337 Villa
  • Slide Ecogreen 2 - 3927 Villa
  • Slide Ecogreen 3 - 3894 Nogara
  • Slide Ecogreen 4 - 3764 Nogara


Eco Green srl is specialized in the recycling and recasting of scraps and leachates of primary and secondary aluminium and its alloys, as it boasts highly qualified personnel both nationally and internationally. Over time Eco Green srl has constantly upgraded its facilities with the aim of remaining a leading company and a reference point in its sector.

Today it has two plants: one is located in Villafranca di Verona and is specialized in the processing, preparation and marketing of scraps, while the other one is based in Nogara di Verona and is specialized in the recasting of scraps and leachates.

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The way we work

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You cannot improvise if you want to be a leader. It takes years of high-level professionalism and the ability to adapt to market needs. These features have contributed to turn Eco Green into a major company in the recycling and recasting of aluminium scraps and leachates in the Italian and international context. Our professionals and experts are constantly up-to-date and can offer companies customized solutions, advising them on the best solution for the management of recycling materials. All of the above is because we aim at reaching a very important objective every day, i.e. turning production scrap materials into a resource to reuse and promote, once they are selected in compliance with the strictest national and European norms.


Eco Green can provide a tangible answer to all those companies who need to promote their aluminium scrap materials based on current market indexes. How do we work? It's simple. We carry out a thorough analysis of the company and its products; we support the company and help it reach the most efficient way of scrap recovery; we equip it with the most adequate containers in terms of size and type; we guarantee cost optimization and planned withdrawal of materials. Thanks to its experience and its specific production systems with which the product is worked depending on its type and alloy, Eco Green provides the re-user foundries aluminium that has been processed, carefully selected and ready for the kiln. This guarantees a high quality of the material thanks to the ability of eliminating all impurities from it, as the best separation of alloys provides for maximum reuse.